Classic projects in digital form

Gathered from many sources

We comb our extensive library of print sources in search of fun projects. Many of these sources are no longer in print or cover a wide range of unrelated content. We identify great projects from multiple sources so you don't have to.

Digitize & optimized

The original source articles are digitized and any print defects or blemishes are cleaned up. The final articles are saved as PDF files sized to 8.5 x 11 inches -- perfect for printing on your home printer, spiral binding or placing in a 3-ring binder.

Curated & updated

Most of our offerings include complementary projects from more than one source -- making each more useful and fun. Every offering includes links to helpful resources. You will also receive a notice any time the project file is updated.

The coolest toys don't have to be bought; they can be built. In fact, sometimes the only way they'll ever exist is if you make them yourself.

- Adam Savage

Whiz-bang Projects Levels

Original vintage projects

Sourced, cleaned, and digitized projects in printable form. Includes links to resources. An affordable option for intrepid and experienced makers.

Enhanced vintage projects

Enhanced projects include everything in our Original offerings with additional material such as larger plan drawings and tips to facilitate your builds.

Premium Projects

Building on our Enhanced offerings, Premium projects provide step-by-step instructions, detailed photographs, and other helpful guidance.

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